How to Make Elderflower Cordial

How to Make Elderflower Cordial


So this little witch mama made some homemade elderflower cordial ready for the summer I’m lucky enough to have a beautiful elder tree in amazing woodland garden 🪵🌳☀️


This is so refreshing this time of year mixed ice and even a little fizz! The best time to pick elderflowers is end of may but even through to mid June pick them on days that are sunny but not too hot! pick the freshest looking ones full of white flowers,  I personally  bulk make it and store it in the freezer for longer use. 


For the ingredients you will need 


Elderflower heads between 20-30 


2 orange and 2 lemons (optional) to your tasting 


Citric acid although this can be used without depending on if you want to preserve the cordial for longer. 


This cordial will make around 3/4 litres 


1.5kg of granulated sugar or caster sugar 


1.5 litres of boiling water 


Citric acid 85g this a natural preservative and will give it a slightly sour flavour and will last up to 6 weeks without the citric acid, or upto 6 months stored in the fridge. 


Start by adding the sugar in a large pan add the boiling water and stir well and a little Witchy tip to stir clockwise to summon your intentions and anti clockwise to let go of any negative energy! 


Peel and remove the zest from one orange and one lemon and place in the pan 


Slice the remaining into the pan and giving a good stir! 

Add the citric Acid if using  

Then add the elderflowers flowers down making sure they are all submerged. 

Leave covered 24-48 hours 


Sieve and strain through with a muslin or a tea towel into sterilised bottles and store in the fridge. 


To serve, dilute to acquired taste,  you can use this syrup on fruit salad or even in trifle or my fav add a little rosehip and sparkling water for a amazing summer drink! 💎💕🍓


WITCHY TIP you should start foraging your elderflowers around end of may and you can freeze them  for when you are ready and wish to use them! 🌸


If you fancy giving this a go then tag us in your socials and be sure to  Follow us  @doteyrox for more witchy makes 🖤

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